Property Taxes & Tax Rate Summary

General Information:

The town levies its property tax based upon the assessed value as of April 1st, for all real and personal property with exemptions to qualifying veterans and excludes assessments on municipal, school and church properties.

Tax stabilization contracts are agreements with individuals who own or lease agricultural land that would qualify the State of Vermont Use Value Appraisal, or Working Farm Tax Abatement currently under program on which the state pays proportionate tax.

The Town of Hinesburg also reduces taxes on certain property to encourage farming and non-development of land. These local contracts provide for a reduction on assessed value of farmland provided the land does not change in use. The contracts run for a period of 10 years. At the end of ten years, all previous taxes related to the contract are abated.

The penalty for noncompliance is that the current year taxes become due in addition to the deferred taxes for the 3 preceding years under this agreement and a penalty equal to 10% of the fair market value of the land at the time of dissolution of the contract. This tax and penalty shall be paid before or on the date of the transfer of title.

Tax Rate Summaries: