DRB Meeting Agenda

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Tuesday, January 3, 2023 - 7:00pm

Frank Babbott & William Chatoff - Sketch Plan - 04-01-14.300/04-01-14.100 - For a 2-lot subdivision to create a 6.3-acre lot from parts of two properties on Rocky Mountain Lane in the Rural Residential 1 Zoning District. CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 1.

Donald Ross & Karen Cornish - Preliminary plat - 09-02-38.800 –  For a 4-lot subdivision of a 140-acre property, owned by David & Helen Nagel, located on the east side of Gilman Road between Birdie Drive and Hines Road in the Agricultural Zoning District.

Hinesburg Center 2 - Subdivision final plat - 08-01-06.320 - For a mixed-use development on a 46.2-acre property located to the west of Kinney Drug and south of Patrick Brook and north of the Creekside development in the Village and Agricultural Zoning Districts.  Proposed are 22-lots, 73-dwelling units, 12,000sf of Office/Commercial space and 2,500sf of light industrial space.  In addition to the final plat subdivision and the conditional use reviews for development in a floodplain/stream setback area, the Applicant has submitted site plan applications for a 34-unit apartment building, a lot with two 9-plexes and one 6-plex, and for the lot with 2,500sf of light industrial space.  It is anticipated that the site plans will be reviewed at this meeting.  This application may close at this meeting.  CONTINUED FROM DECEMBER 20.