DRB Meeting Agenda

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 7:00pm

Haystack Crossing LLC - Minor Subdivision Revision - 16-20-56.500 - To modify one condition of their final plat approval to allow for the recording of the approved survey mylar for a 176-unit subdivision located in the Village Northwest Zoning District.

Dan Baldwin – Sketch Plan – 11-01-05.003 – For a two lot subdivision of a 258+-acre property located on the west side of Baldwin Road and the north side of Drinkwater Road in the Agricultural Zoning District.

Andy Miller/Bill Lippert/Enrique Peredo - Development on a Private Right-of-Way - 11-01-31.000 - to create a shared access for two properties from a proposed 50-foot right-of-way at 2751 Baldwin Road in the Agricultural Zoning District.  CONTINUED FROM JUNE 20, 2023.

Bill & Patti Drew - Sketch Plan - 09-01-01.500 - For a three lot subdivision of a 3.86-acre property located at 108 Thorn Bush Road in the Village Zoning District.

PR&R Development LLC - Preliminary Plat Subdivision - 09-01-69.100 - For an eight lot subdivision of a 61.26-acre property located on Observatory Road in the Rural Residential 1 Zoning District.