November 4th, 2008 — Town Election Results

For President of The United States
voting for not more than ONE
  Chuck Baldwin - 3
  Bob Barr - 8
  Roger Calero - 0
  Gloria Lariva - 1
  John McCain - 692
  Brian Moore - 0
  Ralph Nader - 14
  Barack Obama - 1786

For Representative to Congress
voting for not more than ONE
  Mike Bethel - 92
  Cris Ericson - 35
  Thomas James Hermann - 55
  Jane Newton - 21
  Jerry Trudell - 88
  Peter Welch - 2007

For Governor
voting for not more than ONE
  Peter Diamondstone - 7
  Jim Douglas - 1259
  Cris Ericson - 5
  Tony O'Connor - 10
  Anthony Pollina - 604
  Gaye Symington - 583
  Sam Young - 10

For Lieutenant Governor
voting for not more than ONE
  Thomas W. Costello- 978
  Brian E. Dubie- 1312
  Richard Kemp -117
  Ben Mitchell- 8

For State Treasurer
voting for not more than ONE
  Murray Ngoima - 30
  Don Schramm - 181
  Jeb Spaulding - 2060

For Secretary of State
voting for not more than ONE
  Eugene J. Bifano - 468
  Deb Markowitz - 1759
  Leslie Marmorale - 19
  Marjorie Power- 76

For Auditor of Accounts
voting for not more than ONE
  Martha Abbott - 369
  Jerrt Levy- 37
  Thomas M. Salmon - 1776

For Attorney General
voting for not more than ONE
  Charlotte Dennett- 118
  Rosemarie Jackowski - 20
  Karen Kerin - 309
  William H. Sorrell - 1843

For State Senator
voting for not more than SIX
  Darren Adams - 466
  Tim Ashe - 881
  Denise Begins Barnard - 969
  Dennis Bedard - 542
  Agnes Clift - 424
  Edward Flanagan - 1329
  Larkin Forney - 87
  Tom Licata - 281
  Virginia "Ginny" Lyons - 1278
  Hinda Miller - 1063
  Robyn Myers-Moore - 427
  Doug Racine - 1592
  Diane B. Snelling - 1287
  Paula Spadaccini - 563

For State Representative (Chittenden 1-1)
voting for not more than ONE
  Matthew Galloway - 742
  Bill Lippert - 1562

For State Representative (Chittenden 1-2)
voting for not more than ONE
  Scott Orr - 64
  Edward Stone - 31

For High Bailiff
voting for not more than ONE
  Daniel L. Gamelin - 1797

For Justice of the Peace
voting for not more than TWELVE
  Maureen S. Barnard - 1228
  Monique Breer - 674
  Kenneth L. Brown - 1162
  Gill B. Coates - 1317
  David Deforge - 777
  Diane Deforge - 823
  Landon Dennison - 728
  Sheila M. Dodd - 1109
  Lynn Gardner - 1052
  Katharine "Trina" Hikel - 1959
  Mary M. Hurlie - 996
  Bill Lippert - 1483
  Graham Macharg - 613
  Vicki Mathews - 946
  Marjorie Sharpe - 853
  Claire K. Weis - 1121

Town of Hinesburg Special Town Meeting

ARTICLE I: Shall general obligation bonds of the Town of Hinesburg in an amount not to exceed Two Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,100,000), subject to reduction from the receipt of available state and federal grants-in-aid, be issued for the purpose of financing the Town's share of the cost of making certain public improvements, viz: the upgrade of the wastewater treatment facility, at an estimated cost of Two Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,100,000)?

  YES - 1358
  NO - 980