Update on Bird Flu

You've probably seen reports of Bird Flu, aka H5N1,  spreading to mammals, cows sometimes and in rare cases humans and there is cause for concern. There are also reassurances, such as the efficacy of the well-known and readily available anti-viral Tamiflu, huge stockpiles of which exist. The last notable outbreak in the US was in 2015 but the virus has been around since 1996.  For more information on why we shouldn't be too worried, here's a link to a no-paywall article in the Washington Post: https://wapo.st/3w3ed8y

If you keep chickens and suspect they're getting sick, Bird owners should immediately contact their veterinarian or call the USDA toll-free hotline (866-536-7593) to report sick birds, including backyard flocks and migratory birds like ducks and geese. 

You can expect updates on this situation. 

Joe Gannon
Town Health Officer