DRB Meeting Agenda

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Tuesday, December 6, 2022 - 7:00pm

Tony St. Hilaire - Subdivision Sketch Plan - 14-20-11.100 - For a 7-lot subdivision to create 6 new buildable lots on a 51.57-acre property located at 83 Whitetail Ridge in the Rural Residential 1 Zoning District.  CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 15.

Donald & Linda Kirkpatrick - Conditional Uses for Expansion of a Non-Conforming Structure & for Development in a Floodplain and Stream Setback - 13-01-08.100 - To remove an existing 14'x60' mobile home residence and replace it with a 16'x64' mobile home residence, on a 2.2-acre property located at 975 Hollow Road in the Rural Residential 2 Zoning District.  SCHEDULED

Hinesburg Center 2 - Subdivision final plat - 08-01-06.320 - For a mixed-use development on a 46.2-acre property located to the west of Kinney Drug and south of Patrick Brook and north of the Creekside development in the Village and Agricultural Zoning Districts.  Proposed are 22-lots, 73-dwelling units, 12,000sf of Office/Commercial space and 2,500sf of light industrial space.  In addition to the final plat subdivision and the conditional use reviews for development in a floodplain/stream setback area, the Applicant has submitted site plan applications for a 34-unit apartment building, a lot with two 9-plexes and one 6-plex, and for the lot with 2,500sf of light industrial space.  CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 15.